Hi! Welcome to my A level media blog. My name is Molly Sullivan (0816).

I'm in Group 4 with Maisie MacGregor (0506), Mari Leach (0440), and Ellie Brackpool (0100)

You can navigate my blog by using the column on the right hand side where you will find the following labels:
A2 Prelim, A2 Research and Planning, A2 Production and also a link to all of the work I did for AS.
There's also a link to the Latymer music video blog as well as a live link to the group's Facebook group.

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Thank you and I hope you enjoy my blog!

Our Music Video


Front and back cover of the album.


Inside covers of the album

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Friday 24 October 2014

Lighting and Set Design

Performance Scene

This is a video that we took during one of our group meetings in the studio; we used our time in the studio to test out lighting, this video shows the lighting that we were testing for our performance scenes. The choice of colours for our lighting was inspired by our recurring theme of using a pink and blue colour scheme that we used throughout our branding. We wanted Georgie in the centre to be under blue light, and the two DJs either side of her to be under blue light. We had quite a lot of trouble trying to balance the colours correctly so that one did not drown out the other. It took a lot of time to perfect the lighting but I think we managed to get it right in the end, to the point where we all happy with how it looked, The final set up is shown at 0.45.

The final lighting set up for our performance scenes.
We wanted to make our performance a bit more interesting to look at so we thought about different props that we could use to make the set more enticing to the viewer. We decided that our set design should match our Alice in Wonderland theme of the video so we searched online at different Alice in Wonderland themed party pictures, as well as thinking about the main themes in the book and the predominant imagery in the film.

We decided that we really liked the playing card imagery that runs throughout Alice in Wonderland, and that it would work really well with our set design. We cut out large playing cards and made templates of the numbers and of the different suits, cut them out of different coloured paper and stuck them onto the large cards. We hung several cards up from long invisible string to hang in the back of the scene, we also used cards to put on the front of the DJ desks to make them look much nicer. I'm really pleased with how the set looked for this scene.

Setting up the cards for the performance scene.
Balloon Scene

Keeping with the blue and pink colour scheme we decided that we wanted the backdrop to be lit with blue lights, while the floor of the studio and the actors would be lit with white lights. Using the white lights instead of coloured lights made the scene a lot brighter and looked nicer on camera. This gave the scene a more colourful and fun feel, more so than the performance scene which was darker and more serious. Here is a photo of the scene from the lighting desk during one of our shoots. You can really see how the pink/blue colour scheme worked well for this scene.

For this scene we took inspiration from the mushroom forest in Alice in Wonderland and so we decided to paint some large red and white mushrooms that we could hang in the background, using the same method of hanging them up that we used for the playing cards.

Alice In Wonderland mushroom forest
White Scenes

The first set up of the music video is when Georgie first enters the studio and sees the cupcake on the table. In this scene we will also include shots of Alice in Wonderland over the close up footage of Georgie. This is why we wanted to use white light and a white background to make the Alice in Wonderland footage seem really clear. We decided to use a white spotlight on the cupcake to make it really bright. Hopefully this will make the scene completely white and bright to make the room look really big.

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