Hi! Welcome to my A level media blog. My name is Molly Sullivan (0816).

I'm in Group 4 with Maisie MacGregor (0506), Mari Leach (0440), and Ellie Brackpool (0100)

You can navigate my blog by using the column on the right hand side where you will find the following labels:
A2 Prelim, A2 Research and Planning, A2 Production and also a link to all of the work I did for AS.
There's also a link to the Latymer music video blog as well as a live link to the group's Facebook group.

Click here to access the group's Facebook page.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy my blog!

Our Music Video


Front and back cover of the album.


Inside covers of the album

Click To Enter Our Website

Friday 17 October 2014

Prop List

Performance Scene:

Giant Playing Cards: 

Playing cards are used as repeated imagery in Alice in Wonderland. Our plan was to use this familiar imagery in our music video to create a similarity between our video and the story of Alice in Wonderland where one of the main characters is the Queen of Hearts. By making the cards quite large in size, we are also playing on the part of the story where Alice shrinks after falling down the rabbit hole, and so all of her surroundings become extra large. We hope that the cards we make will be visually attractive and will make the performance scene more interesting to watch.

DJ Booths

We need to make some DJ booths and DJ decks so we had the idea to use tables mounted with sound boards, keyboards, and electronic products like Apple macbooks that DJs often use. Hopefully this will create the illusion of a DJ booth.

Disclosure using their DJ decks at a BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge session


We need to source a microphone and a microphone stand for our singer Georgie, hopefully we will be able to find one of these at school that has been in previous productions.

Balloon Scene:

Balloons for the floor

For the balloon scene we plan to cover the floor of the studio in balloons that match our colour scheme - light blue, light pink, and purple/dark pink. For this we needed to buy several hundred balloons so we went online to find the cheapest deal we could find. We also found a website that sold some slightly more special/different balloons, where have placed an order for two 2 foot balloons, and a pack of marble-effect balloons which we hope will look really nice on camera.

The floor covered in balloons is how we want our scene to look, similar to the balloons in this picture.

 Balloons for the mushroom

We wanted to make a giant mushroom prop to use in the video that would tie-in with our Alice in Wonderland theme. We came across the idea to make a mushroom out of red and white balloons like in the picture below which we found when looking at Alice in Wonderland theme party sites.

Giant toad stool / mushroom made out of balloons.
We decided to do a trial with the mushroom balloon, a couple of weeks before the shoot date to assess how we would make it, and how long it would take. We bought some multi packs of balloons that were relatively cheap for the practice trial, as to not waste money or good quality balloons.

Mari and I attempting to make the structure of the mushroom.


As part of the balloons scene we really wanted the fun aspect to come across so we've bought a pinata that our artist, Georgie, Gavin, and Eugene are going to play with, without the extras in the scene. We also need to buy small things to put inside of the pinata that will look good when we film them hitting it in slow motion.

We are looking to buy a colourful, classic-themed pinata, similar to this one,
  • Powder paint
Example of some of the powder paint that we wanted to buy for the shoot.

For our shoot we needed powder paint which is something we would have to buy. We wanted lots of different colours, but we also wanted lots of pinks and blues to match our colour scheme. We looked on many different websites to source our powder paint and compared prices on all of them to try and get the best deal as to minimise our spending costs as much as we could. We also considered making powder paint ourselves and watched several demonstrations on YouTube of how to do it but we worked out that it would cost just as much to do this, and would take up a lot more of our time.

One of the websites that we found selling powder paint, in bulk.

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